Thursday, August 12, 2010

Total Suckage while I'm on this little journey, I decided to join a weight loss competition at work.

Basically, everyone kicks in $20 and, at the end of ten weeks, the person who's lost the most inches and the person who's lost the bigget percentage of weight split the money. There's motivational meetings (on which I usually pass) and weekly weigh-ins. Your weight is measured in tenths and rounded up to the next pound. If you gain weight, you have to pitch in a buck per pound, with a $5 maximum.

So, this week TOTALLY sucked! Two of my good friends and I are in this together -- we weigh in together, we support each other, and we cheer for each other. Neither of them has started a workout program and only one of them seems to be watching what she eats. So, why the total suckage for this week? One friend stayed stable (no gain and no loss), one friend lost three pounds (go her!), and as for me? Well, as for me, I GAINED a freaking pound! A pound! Dammit! I gained a pound!

I'm losing inches, but we don't measure those each week -- just once to start, then again at week five, and one last time on the final day. So, it looks like I'm a total slob who's accomplishing nothing.

It's so insanely frustrating. And, yes, I'm the ONLY person in the ENTIRE competition who gained any weight! How humiliating! Several people have told me that it's probably muscle and I have to hope that they're right. It honestly could even been water or heavier clothes or something else small. It's still annoying.

To my credit, my weight last week was XX9.7, and my weight this week was XX0.1. So, truthfully, I gained, at max, four tenths of a pound, but with rounding, I'm still recorded as having gained. Ugh.

But I'm not quitting. Nope. Not me. In fact, I really didn't want to work out tonight -- worse than ever yet in this whole process -- but I forced myself to...and it was the best workout I've had to date. I feel great and know that I'll start dropping pounds soon. I have to...right?

Monday, August 9, 2010

If You Can't Say Anything Nice...

Losing weight is one of the hardest things that a person can do (at least in my humble opinion). It takes dedication, willpower, determination, and support...lots of support from people who love the person involved in the weight loss plan. The last thing that I need on this weight loss journey, other than a donut, is someone who's not supportive or is negative.

Do I believe that every single person in my life needs to cheer me on and offer me support? Absolutely not! But I deeply appreciate those who do -- probably more than they'll ever know. From my friends at work who are holding me accountable and accompanying to weekly weigh-ins (Did I mention I'm involved in a weight loss challenge at work?), to my awesome boyfriend who has faith in me, I couldn't do this without them.

So, what is it that's so annoying to me right now? The negative people. The non-supportive ones who openly discuss their non-support. Those individuals who don't believe in me and say so. The person who took me to task for snacking on a small batch of popcorn today because she believed it wasn't healthy enough.

Who in the hell are they to decide what I can and cannot do? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that I'm ME and I'M the only one who truly can or cannot determine what is possible in my life.

To all of those negative jerks who are out there...well, I'd like to say something rude, but I'm taking the high least for now. My mama taught me that I shouldn't say anything at all, if I can't say anything nice, so I'll just choose to shut my mouth and ignore you. My justice will be proving you wrong and dropping all of these pounds. And, for the record, I'm off to a good start and am SO looking forward to making you eat your words.

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Wii Fit Time!

Dear Wii Fit --

I love you. I really do. You're actually pretty fun and, while I don't get quite as good of a workout as I do with aerobics or Cage, you're a nice change of pace. I've got to tell you, though, that I also hate you.

I hate that you laugh at me. I hate that you make my Mii look like a basketball with tiny arms and legs. I hate that you scold me. I *really* hate that you groan when I step on you. You're rude. You're obnoxious. And if you were a real person, you definitely would NOT be my friend.

That being said, my hate for you is a pretty good motivational tool. I want to see that basketball reduce in size. I want to make you proud of me. I want you to cheer for me when I lose weight, rather than make fun of me when I step on you.

So, it's quite the love/hate relationship that we've got with each other. It's a good thing that you don't live at my house. Since you live with J, we'll just have to settle for seeing each other on the weekends. You know, on my non-workout days -- those two precious days that I get each week. Don't get me wrong -- I'll still be using you to get in a little exercise...or at least to play some balance games.

Perhaps we'll eventually reach a mutually satisfying place in our relationship. You know, one where you and I are actually happy to see each other. Until then, I guess you'd better flex your groaning and laughing muscles, because we have a date this evening!



Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day Three

It's 8 pm on day three of my bazillion step journey and I'm already wishing it was time for bed. They say that the third day usually is the hardest...and I really, truly, deeply hope that's true!

Last night, unlike Tuesday, I had a really hard time sleeping. I woke up nearly every hour and just tossed and turned and couldn't get comfortable, so my morning didn't start off the best. I overslept a bit and was pretty sore when I finally got out of bed.

Work was fine, although my temper was slightly more short than normal today; I just made sure to avoid those who typically annoy me. Fast forward to this afternoon. I found out that Cage was canceled, shortly before it was to start, which was just as well because I was in meetings that ran late. That meant I'd have to work out when I got home.

I dragged into my house a little after 5, collapsed on the couch for half an hour, and then forced myself back up for some aerobics. I really wanted to take Tess for a walk instead, but her leash is in Edmond, so that wasn't an option. I slogged through 30 minutes of aerobics and finished, flat exhausted and more sore than when I started.

Oh...did I mention that today was my first day totally without caffeine?

Deep in my heart, I know that tomorrow will be better. I'm just going to chalk today's overall frustration up to sore muscles, lack of sleep, and the adjustment that comes with major life changes because, hey, I've only got 25 more days to go before this all becomes major habit in my life. I can do this. Right?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

To begin my journey, I decided to dive in, head-first, with no life jacket. That was yesterday and, OMG, am I feeling the pain today.

Cage Fitness is a cardio fitness program that's designed with the basis of Mixed Martial Arts in mind. It emulates a five-round championship UFC bout -- you complete five rounds, each five minutes long, of fast-paced exercises, using a 40 pound "dummy" for your partner. It's not designed to be simple -- it's designed to whip you into shape. After all, have you ever seen a non-buff UFC fighter??

So, a few months ago, my employer began offering Cage classes to employees. Two weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to give it a shot. Yesterday was my first class. Prior to class beginning, everyone reminded me to take things at my own pace. But, I'm a little stubborn and went full out for the first two rounds. I took the third round slower and had to take a breather during part of the fourth round. I did finish the fifth, though.

I will say this: Cage is NOT for wimps. I initially planned to take Cage four days a week, but this morning, that plan changed. For the time being, I'm going to do Cage two days a week and stretch and do aerobics or walk or play on the Wii fit the other three days a week. I'm giving myself two days off each week.

When I got home tonight, it was hard to make myself do some aerobics, but I persevered. And although it pretty much hurts to blink, I'd say my first two days were a success.

Of Wagons and Roasted Marshmallows

Okay -- so I started this blog more than a year ago, all determined that I was going to lose 100 pounds. Well, it's pretty obvious that didn't happen. I fell off the wagon. Er, scratch that. I jumped off the wagon, danced around it with pieces of sugar in my hands, set it on fire, and roasted marshmallows to make smores from its smoldering remnants. Well, that's all changed.

I'm currently in the process of building myself a brand new wagon and crawling back on it to begin the long and arduous process of losing weight and becoming a new and improved me. It's time.

So, I'd like to invite you to join me in my journey. Build your own wagon or climb on mine and join me for this amazing trip. I'm going to tell you at the outset that it's going to be long and difficult and, at times, may even seem impossible. But I'm going to do it.

Now, who's with me?