Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

To begin my journey, I decided to dive in, head-first, with no life jacket. That was yesterday and, OMG, am I feeling the pain today.

Cage Fitness is a cardio fitness program that's designed with the basis of Mixed Martial Arts in mind. It emulates a five-round championship UFC bout -- you complete five rounds, each five minutes long, of fast-paced exercises, using a 40 pound "dummy" for your partner. It's not designed to be simple -- it's designed to whip you into shape. After all, have you ever seen a non-buff UFC fighter??

So, a few months ago, my employer began offering Cage classes to employees. Two weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to give it a shot. Yesterday was my first class. Prior to class beginning, everyone reminded me to take things at my own pace. But, I'm a little stubborn and went full out for the first two rounds. I took the third round slower and had to take a breather during part of the fourth round. I did finish the fifth, though.

I will say this: Cage is NOT for wimps. I initially planned to take Cage four days a week, but this morning, that plan changed. For the time being, I'm going to do Cage two days a week and stretch and do aerobics or walk or play on the Wii fit the other three days a week. I'm giving myself two days off each week.

When I got home tonight, it was hard to make myself do some aerobics, but I persevered. And although it pretty much hurts to blink, I'd say my first two days were a success.

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